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Het kan voelen als kiezen tussen twee kwaden, wel of niet vaccineren. Wie en wat geloof jij als het om de gezondheid van je baby gaat? Anti-fluoride battle moves to Auckland. 30 Milligram Morphine Russia: Silencing Activists, Journalists.

  • Anti-fluoride battle moves to Auckland.

The UK Cannabis Internet Activists Website: Website of the Legalise Cannabis UK Campaigns. Cannabis Information and UK Cannabis, UK campaigning for hemp, marijuana
7-2-2001 · Indian drug company offers cheap AIDS drugs NEW DELHI, India (AP) — An Indian drug company has offered to sell an AIDS cocktail that costs $10,000 a year

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(Moscow) – Local authorities have harassed numerous activists and journalists who criticized or expressed concerns about preparations for the 2014 Winter Olympic

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30-6-2013 · An anti-fluoridation group fresh from a successful campaign in Hamilton is shifting the battle lines to our biggest city. The activists face a tough fight
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Rutherford: Police Blotter, Oct. 24.
Anti-fluoride battle moves to Auckland.
25-10-2013 · A recent compliation of police activity Rutherford. On Oct. 19, at 6 p.m., a Maryland resident reported that an unknown thief stole his Amazon 3G


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